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My Sincere Thanks…

The idea of creating this website has been sitting in my head for some time. The only thing that has stopped this coming to fruition earlier, was that every time I sat down to write notes on how it might work, I struggled to see how I would find the time to fit it into my ever increasing workload. The other concern, once I had committed myself to the task was, what the website would cost me to complete. For anyone that knows me well, knows that once I have worked out how something would work and how to achieve it, the money aspect would not stop me. I get immense pleasure at being able to explore innovative ideas with a sincere love of helping others in a worthwhile way

People I wish to thank for assisting me in this process are:

Sheryl Rodda of Harbour City Funeral Home in Upper Hutt who has done an immense amount of work formatting, typing, managing the project, dealing with my frustrations and enjoying the many little achievements we have made along the way – we have done it!

Father John Murphy sm, who I was able to bounce the original idea off some 2 years ago - thank you. You gave me the gift of the water that fed the initial seed that was buried in my mind and I needed that water to bring the seed to the surface.

Cardinal Thomas Williams DD who retired as this idea came across his desk…

Archbishop John Dew DD who received the idea on his desk along with 1 million other things, as he took over from Cardinal Williams, who saw its value as another tool that would assist our clergy and Catholic community deliver pastoral care into the future.

Father Brian Wysocki sm and Father John Greally the Archbishops representatives, who have assisted in conveying and negotiating the Archbishops and the Council of Priests views, and in formatting the Catholic Church Policy on Liturgy and Pastoral Guides.

The International Commission on English in the Liturgy who have been supportive and helpful in getting the copyright text that our church uses, out to so many people, in a totally supportive way. I will always remember the kindness that you have shown to a me, a funeral director from New Zealand.

Liz Piercy, of Darton, Longman,and Todd Ltd United Kingdom for their efforts in gaining copyright of the Jerusalem Bible and who have also supported the idea from the onset, thus allowing the Word of the Lord to be used in a way that will ensure it is used into our future.

APRA for their assistance in navigating through the copyright issues that cover the 100 hymns on the site.

Liquid Interactive our web design company, Andy, Tom, Julian, Wiremu and Jay. I sometimes wonder whether you realise how much work is involved in my ideas, thank you for your patience and I believe that our honest relationship and frank communication means that the public always get the best we can all offer.

And by no means last: to Brad and Maggie at home, who have put up with my disappearing into the computer room as more and more ideas surface - thank you, because as a great deal of you will know it is those at home that end up giving an enormous amount.

We must never underestimate those that assist us on our creative path, they are the true workers, please remember that without the many, many people who have believed and assisted in this project, it would never have been completed.

To those named above, I sincerely thank you. While there may have been doubts at times, let us now watch and see whether this gift from God will be useful at a time when people need all the help they can get.

Simon Manning, 2006


Harbour City Funerals Member of the FDANZ

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